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Paint Water Colour Trees with 5 Star Water Colour Stacker Set

Tony Parker

Paint Water Colour Trees with 5 Star Water Colour Stacker Set
Paint Water Colour Trees with 5 Star Water Colour Stacker Set

How to Paint Water Colour Trees with Water Colour Blocks

Explore the magical world of watercolour painting by creating beautiful and colourful watercolour trees. This project is suitable for all ages, and you'll be amazed at the stunning results you can achieve with just a few simple steps.

Painting wet paint on wet paper offers an exciting blending of colours; this is fun to explore.

5 Star Water Colour Stacker Set
5 Star Water Colour Stacker Set

What You Need:

  • 5 Star Water Colour Stacker Set

  • Water Colour Paper (thicker paper)

  • Watercolour paintbrush (Taklon works well, but any round brush will do)

  • Water and containers for rinsing the brush

  • A clean brush for wetting the paper.

Let's Get Started:

  • Wet the watercolour paper on the bottom half of the page using plain water. This will create a beautiful background for our trees to come to life.

  • Dip your brush in water and wet the green disc in the water colour stacker. Add the green watercolour paint to the wet area, a small amount at a time. This will be the grass background.

Add green watercolour paint to the wet area lower area
Add green watercolour paint to the wet area lower area
  • Do the same with blue paint on the top half of the paper with a clean wet brush. This will be the blue sky.

Do the same with blue paint on the top half of the paper
Do the same with blue paint on the top half of the paper
  • While the blue and green paint is still wet, it's time to add dabs of yellow watercolour paint. This is a crucial step, as the yellow paint will blend with the wet blue and green to create various shades of green, giving your trees a realistic and vibrant appearance.

Add dabs of yellow watercolour
Add dabs of yellow watercolour
  • Use a loose watercolour technique to create a row of big, leafy tree shapes. Let your creativity flow, and don't worry about perfection. The beauty lies in the freedom of expression!

  • Slowly add some green water colour over the yellow while it is still wet.

Paint green water colour over the yellow while it is still wet.
Paint green water colour over the yellow while it is still wet.
  • Continue dabbing until you have a row of fully formed, colourful trees. As the paint dries on the paper, you'll notice the dabs become more defined, adding depth and texture to your artwork.

  • Once you're happy with the shape of your trees, let the paper dry completely. Patience is essential here, as the final result will be worth the wait!

  • Finally, add some tree trunks and branches using watercolour paint or markers. This step will bring your trees to life, giving them character and individuality.

Water Colour Trees - Painting wet on wet.
Water Colour Trees - Painting wet on wet.


  • 5 Star has both Water Colour Stacker set and Tempera Discs.

  • Don't be scared to use plenty of water and paint wet on wet.

  • Use a clean brush for the background colours.

  • Use a handy towel to help clean up.

Share and Enjoy,

Tony Parker.


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