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Sponge Painting with Block Printing Ink and School Acrylic Paint

5 Star Paints

Updated: Jun 15, 2023

Sponge Painting with Block Printing Ink and School Paint
Sponge Painting with Block Printing Ink and School Paint

Here is a fun and easy art activity that your students will enjoy - sponge printing!

Sponge painting with acrylics is so much fun.

Foam painting for toddlers

Here's what you will need:

1. To start, cut out any shape you like from a kitchen sponge. Smaller shapes are easier to control.

2. Next, you can glue a piece of cardboard to the sponge to make a handle or use a peg to hold onto the shape so your fingers do not get too messy.

3. Dip the sponge shape into some 5 Star NZACRYL Acrylic Paint or 5 Star Artists Block Printing Ink and then press it onto the paper. If you're making an overall pattern, repeat the process to cover the rest of the page. Again, encourage your students to change the shape and colour to make the page more interesting.

This activity is a great way to encourage creativity and experimentation with colour and pattern. So have fun and enjoy the results!

In conclusion, creating patterns with sponge shapes is an easy and enjoyable activity for both children and adults. With just a few simple steps, anyone can create unique designs that encourage creativity and experimentation with colour and pattern.

By cutting out different shapes and changing the colour scheme, you can make an unlimited number of patterns. Additionally, the use of a handle or peg makes it easier to control the sponge, preventing a mess and allowing for greater precision. Overall, this is a fun and low-cost activity that is sure to inspire creativity and provide satisfying results.

Happy Painting

Tony Parker

5 Star Artist Block Printing Ink
5 Star Artist Block Printing Ink

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